Grape compote

For thousands of years, people have cultivated grapes and used the plant's fruits for food. Researchers believe that the history of viticulture, a branch of the national economy that is associated with the cultivation and processing of grapes, began in Biblical times. The scripture mentions grapes as the first plant Noah planted at the foot of Mount Ararat.
A closer look at mythology, as well as global culture, can replace that grapes are often mentioned in beautiful legends, legends and parables. Poems are dedicated to the plant, as well as depicted in paintings and use the shape of a grape cluster as an element of stucco molding to decorate buildings. Without a doubt, grapes occupy an important place not only in the history, but also in the culture of all mankind.
However, the plant plays an important role not only as a symbol, but also as a real food that people have been eating for millennia. Grapes or Vítis belongs to the Vinogradov family and is a plant that consists of shoots or vines. Food is consumed by ripe grape fruits, which differ in their characteristic shape, which is defined as a cluster.
In addition, fresh grape leaves are used in cooking, as a basis for the preparation of independent culinary products, or a pickled product as an ingredient in salads and snacks. The fruits of grapes differ not only in their outstanding taste, but also in their useful characteristics. The vitamin-mineral composition of grapes contains almost the entire vitamin alphabet and is enriched with such compounds as biotin, thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, as well as pantothenic and folic acids.
In addition, grapes contain a significant amount of minerals in their chemical composition, as well as dietary fibers, organic and unsaturated fatty acids. It is worth noting that the main taste, consumer, as well as useful parameters of grape fruits depend primarily on the species belonging to the plant. Grapes have been used for centuries in winemaking, we can say that the fruits of the plant are the basis for the preparation of a noble wine drink.
However, not only the drink of the Gods, but also grape compote is made from the fruits of the plant, which, thanks to the unique natural composition of grape berries, has distinctive beneficial properties and taste. Grape compote is made from various grape varieties. Notably, there are several ways to make grape compote. Preserved and non-sterilized grape compote is isolated.
In addition, grape compote can be brewed from whole clusters or individual berries of the plant. In a separate group, grape compotes are distinguished, which were prepared from fruits previously peeled from seeds. To prepare grape compote, you need to pour water over the grapes, add citric acid, as well as sugar to taste and bring to a boil. Grape compote for a long time can maintain its taste and useful characteristics. In winter, grape compote will become a tasty and main vitamin drink for all family members.
77 kCal grape compote
Energy value of grape compote (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 19.7 g (~ 79 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 0% | 102%