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Herbal tea

Herbal tea...

We think the vast majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth are aware of the beneficial properties of herbal tea. People began to use various medicinal herbal collections as a means of traditional medicine back in ancient times. Currently, various types of herbal tea are produced by the most famous tea companies.

Herbal tea composition

It is noteworthy that in its biological origin and properties, herbal tea cannot in any way belong to the group of tea drinks. This state of affairs is primarily associated with the high-quality composition of herbal tea, which includes plants that have nothing to do with tea bush leaves.

However, herbal tea is not alone, since some varieties of tea drinks, such as roybus or karkade, are also drinks made not from tea bush leaves. Herbal tea includes dried inflorescences, roots, leaves, as well as stems of some medicinal plants.

It is believed that the homeland of most types of herbal tea can be considered China, as well as countries of the Middle East. The unique properties of herbal tea allow you to consume the drink at any time of the day. At the same time, the vil of herbal tea depends on the time of drinking the drink.

This or that collection of medicinal herbs can be combined into an invigorating morning drink or a soothing and relaxing evening. In addition, herbal tea can effectively quench thirst, give vitality, strengthen immunity and has other certainly useful properties for the human body.

The benefits of herbal tea

The benefits of herbal tea lie primarily in the vitamin and mineral composition of the drink. However, in any case, the composition of herbal tea will contain a colossal number of natural compounds useful for human health. The benefits of herbal teas become tangible and noticeable after some time of regular consumption of a vitamin medicinal drink.

By the way, the calorie content of herbal tea is at a record low and averages 4 Kcal, which fall on 100 grams of drink. Such a low calorie level of herbal tea, as well as unique beneficial properties, make the drink indispensable in the therapeutic food menu.

The harms of herbal tea

True, it is worth remembering that in addition to the benefits, there is harm to herbal tea, which can cause significant harm to health. Generally, herbal tea can be harmful to people who do not follow precautions. For example, herbal tea may include a plant to which a person suffering from individual intolerance to the product may have a severe allergic reaction.

In addition, doctors do not recommend often eating herbal teas, which contain herbs that under certain circumstances have a toxic or poisonous effect on humans. In any case, it is worth consulting a doctor before drinking any type of herbal tea.

herbal tea 2 kCal

The energy value of herbal tea (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.47 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 94%