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Sorbet lime

Sorbet lime...

Surely many of you have ever heard of sorbets. Translated from Turkic sorbet - "drink. " This tender, tart frozen dessert is often confused with ice cream. However, it is only a semblance of it. Sorbet, or as it is also called "sorbe, " is characterized by excellent softness, lack of fat and the presence of fruit/berry filler.

The traditional sorbet is made from sugar syrup, fruit juice and puree. In rare cases, champagne and wine are used to give the dish the necessary charm in the form of alcohol. Thus, the dish goes back to Arab countries. It got to Europe in transit through Turkey. According to many experts, the French mastered the recipe for the dish best. Best of all, they get lime sorbet.

If you want to try sorbet, then you can go 3 options. The first is to cook it yourself. It will require certain skills and skills from you. The second option is to buy a ready-made dish from a specialized store. However, it may not live up to your expectations. The third option is to taste the sorbet in a cafe or restaurant. There you can also learn about different ways to pitch.

Lime Sorbet Use Options

The dish, as we've noticed before, can easily be served solo. However, since ancient times, sorbet has been used as a digestif (after eating food) or between main course meals. After all, it perfectly knocks down the taste and removes the aftertaste.

Lime sorbet can be served in 2 versions - completely frozen and partially frozen. In this case, it is simply drunk and served chilled. The same sorbet is used as the basis for making some cocktails. The most famous among them is chapurin. Its formulation, in addition to sorbet, implies the presence of dry sparkling wine. You can easily prepare a drink at home.

Benefits and harms of lime sorbet

Sorbet tastes sweet and is usually served as a dessert. Therefore, special attention should be shown when using it by those people who suffer from diabetes or have individual intolerance to the components of the dish. Moderate use of sorbet contributes to the activation of brain cells, improving mood and strengthening immunity.

lime sorbet kCal

Energy value of lime sorbet (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)