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Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices...

In the summer, when we sometimes forget about vegetables from the abundance of fresh berries and fruits, we should not miss the opportunity to feed our body, exhausted by winter hypovitaminosis, daily consuming a cup of vegetable juices. Probably the most popular vegetable crops that are used to make such juices are tomatoes, carrots and pumpkins. This is quite obvious, because these fruits are rich in carotene along with vitamin C and the mass of trace elements.

However, based on the varieties of raw materials, all vegetable juices can be poured into mono and multicomponent. The first category includes juices based on any one type of vegetable, while the process of mixing liquids obtained from different vegetable crops is used to make the second.

So, in the composition of vegetable juices, in addition to traditional carrot, tomato and pumpkin juices, you can find juices made from beets, celery, sweet pepper and many other healthy fruits. Such a variety of raw materials used determines not only the multilateral taste facets of the finished drink, but also its useful properties.

The benefits of vegetable juices

Many adherents of a healthy diet, as well as a considerable number of nutritionists, believe that vegetable juices are much healthier than fruit drinks. It is worth noting that this approach does not quite correspond to the truth, in connection with which it would be necessary to talk about the difference in the influence of these two completely different types of juice on the body and human health in general.

Returning to the question of the benefits of vegetable juices, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that they contain more nutrients (macro and trace elements). That is why with the regular use of these juices, fatigue disappears, and strength and energy, on the contrary, increase significantly.

It has been noted that vegetable juices based on green vegetables contain a substance such as chlorophyll, which acts as an effective natural agent during the detoxification procedure, that is, the natural removal of toxic elements from the body. It is he who helps our body to be strong, and also cleans the liver. With the help of chlorophyll, blood cells are cured, which is confirmed by repeated studies in the fight against cancer.

In addition, the benefits of vegetable juices for humans are obvious due to the content in them of a considerable amount of natural medicines, hormones and antibiotics. For example, some hormones necessary for the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber-onion juice, and a large number of natural antibiotics are present in radish and tomato juice.

vegetable juices 20 kCal

Energy value of vegetable juices (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.82 g (~ 3 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.32g (~ 13kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 16% | 0% | 66%