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Nectarine juice

Nectarine juice...

Summer days are often associated with people not only with good weather or rest, but also with an abundance of various fruits, which are not always available fresh in the cold season. Peaches and nectarines are considered a favorite fruit for the inhabitants of our latitudes. Although in winter you can find imported peaches and nectarines on the shelves of domestic stores, in summer the taste of fruits is juicier and the appearance is more natural.

It has long been no secret that during transportation, fruits in most cases are treated with dietary supplements, which are preservatives. These, as a rule, synthetically obtained substances help to maintain the attractive appearance of the fruits. We think many people know that nectarin is a subspecies of peach, which in biology is called nothing more than a golden peach. Nectarines are in great demand and popularity in world markets.

Nectarines earned such fame due to their magnificent taste properties, as well as truly aesthetic appearance. Nectarines, like peaches, are eaten both fresh and processed. Their nectarines make jam and jams, and also preserve pieces of fruit in their own juice. Fresh nectarines are used as an ingredient in fruit salads, as well as desserts, including cold ones, for example ice cream.

It is worth noting that nectarines are not only tasty, but also incredibly useful fruit, the composition of which is enriched with a significant amount of various and certainly useful vitamins for the human body, as well as mineral compounds. Nectarin is often used in baby food, since the fruit contains a fairly large amount of sugar.

It is also worth paying attention to the juice of nectarine, which, like the fruit, has an excellent taste and vitamin-mineral composition. Nectarin juice is obtained from fresh and ripened fruits of the plant. Moreover, the consistency of the freshly squeezed nectarine juice resembles rather puree diluted with water. Nectarin juice is thick and viscous, has a characteristic taste and fruit aroma.

Nectarine juice can be used not only as tasty. But also a healthy drink. In addition, nectarine juice is an excellent method of harvesting healthy fruits for winter or future use. Nectarin juice contains natural sucrose, as well as glucose and fructose.

In addition, the composition of nectarin juice is enriched with organic acids, P-active polyphenols, as well as a record amount of vitamins of group C and A. Nectarin juice saturates the human body with minerals such as calcium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium and others, essential for the normal process of vital activity.

nectarine juice 37 kCal

Energy value of nectarin juice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.6 g (~ 34 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 0% | 93%