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Guava juice

Guava juice...

Surely many exotic lovers are familiar with such an unusual fruit as guava firsthand. By the way, you can often hear another name for this juicy fruit - a tropical apple, which speaks quite transparently about the place where the guava comes from. South and Central America are considered the birthplace of this exotic fruit, but at the moment guava is mainly exported from Africa, Asia and North America.

It is best to acquire mature intact soft-touch fruits, which are characterized by a yellow color. It is recommended to store guava separately from other products, since the fruit easily absorbs foreign odors. At the same time, fresh guava fruits tolerate freezing perfectly - their taste and quality remain almost unchanged. Before eating from the fruits, you need to peel the skin and remove the seeds.

Most often, guava is eaten fresh - it is used in the preparation of light fruit salads and fragrant puddings. In pickled form, pieces of juicy fruits are usually served with meat dishes. In tropical countries, guava jelly is especially popular. In addition, a puree-like product is prepared from these exotic fruits, which in its homeland is called "fruit oil. "

Guava juice also finds quite widespread use in the field of cooking - it is used to make ice cream and sherbet. Vitamin C in aromatic fruits is fully preserved when dried and preserved, so a powder is made from guava juice, which is a rich source of ascorbic acid. In addition, the so-called guava cheese, made from dried fruit pulp, is considered an important export item.

Currently, in some countries of the world, guava juice has become so popular that it can be said that people are simply obsessed with it. Probably, such love is due to the extraordinary taste, increased nutrition and benefits of this product for humans. However, these qualities are inherent exclusively in the guava juice, which is produced directly at the place of growth of this fruit.

Speaking of store juice guava, it should be noted that there is a lot of debate about the benefits of such a product for the human body. Some argue that the beneficial properties of industrial guava juice are significantly less than those of freshly squeezed, while others argue that the healing power of the drink directly depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer.

In addition, some connoisseurs claim that industrial and freshly squeezed guava juice largely vary in taste. But this is not strange - any juice prepared on its own from high-quality raw materials is distinguished by a greater saturation of taste, freshness and huge health benefits.

guava juice 57 kKal

Energy value of guava juice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.09 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0.06 g. (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 13.87 g (~ 55 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 1% | 97%