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Chocolate drink

Chocolate drink...

Without a doubt, many inhabitants of planet Earth feel real awe at the mention of the word chocolate. Such a food product as chocolate has become indispensable in a short time for the overwhelming majority of the world's population. First of all, this state of affairs can explain the chemical composition of chocolate, as well as the taste, aroma and, of course, the useful properties of the product.

It is no secret that chocolate was known to ancient civilizations that lived in the territory of pre-Columbian America for millennia. The first Europeans who managed to taste Aboriginal chocolate were the Spanish conquistadors, who actively developed unexplored lands in the Era of Great Geographical Discoveries, starting around the 16th century.

The history of modern chocolate drinks began just at that time when the Spaniards brought cocoa beans to their homeland, and also prepared hot chocolate for the first time. Remarkably, the natives' chocolate drink did not immediately appeal to European audiences. The thing is that in accordance with the original recipe, chocolate was made from ground cocoa beans and cold water.

The drink invigorated and gave strength in battles to soldiers. In addition, Aztec chocolate was not given to children or women, since the drink contained strong tonic natural compounds that could intoxicate a weak body. Over time, European culinary experts improved the recipe for making a chocolate drink and hot chocolate became the most popular and sought-after drink.

For a sufficiently long period of time, hot chocolate was considered a dessert drink for a select few. Over time, chocolate has turned from a delicacy into a commodity of mass consumption, without which the usual day of the average resident and our latitudes hardly costs. Chocolate is used to make just an incredible amount of food.

And not only confectionery or sweets, as well as sauces and pastries. Recently, modern food manufacturers have turned their gaze to instant food. Since chocolate is considered the main confectionery of the whole planet, the product also received an instant form in the form of chocolate drinks.

An inherently instant chocolate drink is cocoa powder. However, unlike classic cocoa, chocolate drinks are distinguished by their best solubility, as well as taste characteristics. It is worth noting that a chocolate drink is a completely ready-to-eat food that is mixed with hot or cold milk.

We can say that an instant chocolate drink is 100% the product of the new millennium, which meets the requirements of modern consumers. The chocolate drink is easy to make, convenient to store and use. Many children simply cannot live without chocolate drinks, which are distinguished by their characteristic taste and aroma, and also saturate the child's body with energy due to the content of carbohydrates.

chocolate drink 387.7 kCal

The energy value of a chocolate drink (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 4.6 g (~ 18 kCal)
Fats: 6.3 g (~ 57 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 78.2 g (~ 313 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 15% | 81%