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Protein shake

Protein shake...

Protein or protein cocktail is considered an indispensable attribute of sports nutrition, since the product helps to build muscle mass. Therefore, if you are engaged in bodybuilding or powerlifting, then a protein protein shake must be present on your menu, which contributes to the rapid growth of muscle and muscle mass of the athlete. Scientists have found that for a stable increase in muscle mass, an athlete needs up to 6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

According to these calculations, it turns out that a daily actively training person needs to eat about half a kilogram of protein. And half a kilogram of protein is contained, for example, in two kilograms of chicken fillet or in 70 eggs. A lot of chicken for one day, isn't it? Of course, it will not be difficult to eat such an amount of food. However, athletes need to maintain a protein diet every day. We think little pleasant in the meager and not varied food, especially on a daily basis. This is where the protein shake comes in.

Protein shake composition

The protein shake contains a large amount of protein. For example, one standard (250 ml) glass of protein shake will contain up to 40 grams of protein. Usually, a protein shake is prepared from special dry mixtures or bought an already prepared drink in specialized health food stores.

There are no special or exotic ingredients in the composition of a protein shake, so a healthy drink can be made at home. True, professional athletes are quite skeptical of homegrown protein or protein cocktails. It is believed that the protein shake in the powder meets all the standards, as well as the dosages of the protein product.

Protein shake benefits

There is a clear benefit of a protein shake for athletes, which will not take long to wait if you consume the drink regularly, as well as follow the rules of a healthy and balanced diet, while not throwing regular sports. The protein shake can vary in taste, but the composition of the drink in most cases will contain vegetable, egg or milk protein, as well as fiber, vitamins and useful macro- and trace elements. However, do not forget the simple everyday truth - everything is good that in moderation.

The harms of a protein shake

With all the advantages of the drink, in addition to the benefit, a protein shake can cause significant harm to the human body. The harm of a protein shake may result in digestive problems. These adverse effects can occur if you do not comply with the dosage of the protein drink. Often, beginners do not want to be patient and make efforts to achieve results.

Everyone wants to get the cherished muscular figure in the shortest possible time, so people begin to eat the drink incorrectly. In this case, the harm of a protein shake overlaps all the benefits of the product. Therefore, do not neglect the dosages that are indicated by the manufacturer of protein shakes so as not to harm your health.

protein shake 226.23 kCal

Energy value of a protein shake (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 50.5 g (202 kCal ~)
Fats: 2.8 g (~ 25 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 10.53 g (~ 42 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 89% | 11% | 19%