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Being so desirable in the days of the USSR and so controversial today, this drink under the brand name Pepsi has become one of the favorite thirsty means of millions of our fellow citizens. And along with its eternal rival - Coca-Cola carbonated drink.

Pepsi was invented back in 1898 in America. The discoverer was Caleb Bradham, an American pharmacist from the city of New Bern. Then in the composition of the carbonated liquid, which was called Brad's Drink, pepsin was present along with the extract of cola nuts. By the way, the pharmacist attributed special healing properties to this drink and assured that pepsin favorably affects digestion.

Only in 1903 did the soft drink become known by the name familiar to modern humans - Pepsi or Pepsi-Cola. In 1964, a dietary version of Pepsi was released. To date, all rights to produce world famous soda belong to the American company PepsiCo.

As mentioned above, there is now a raft of conflicting opinions about the harm and good of Pepsi. In order to find out the possible unpleasant consequences of drinking this drink, let's get closer to the Pepsi composition.

Composition of Pepsi

So, looking at the label of the Pepsi bottle, we observe the following picture: drinking prepared water, sugar, carbon dioxide, natural color sugar color, acidity regulator: orthophosphoric acid, caffeine, gum arabic stabilizer, natural flavor.

Many of these substances in Pepsi's composition are a mystery to some, so let's dwell on them in more detail. Integral components of any sweet soda are the first three names. Sugar gives the drink sweetness and carbon dioxide bubbles.

The natural color sugar color helps to stain both Pepsi and Coca-Cola unnaturally brown-black. Although it is actively used in the food industry, its effect on the human body has not been fully studied.

Orthophosphoric acid, which is also called Ye338, acts as a regulator of acidity. According to reliable sources, its consumption can cause indigestion, increase the level of acidity and, accordingly, disrupt the acid-base balance.

A fairly harmless substance is caffeine when consumed in small doses, but it causes dependence in humans and is considered the source of problems with the cardiovascular system. That is, the presence of this substance in carbonated drinks is not particularly welcome.

Ye414 or stabilizer gum arabic in Pepsi helps to preserve the taste of the product, and also prevents sugar from crystallizing. This substance is obtained, which is widely used in the food industry, naturally from certain types of acacia. There is no reliable data on the effect of gum arabic on human health, but the fact that ancient people ate it is known.

Well, the last component in Pepsi is a natural flavor. But, what is strange, which manufacturer did not bother to indicate, so one can only guess whether it is really natural.

38 kCal

Energy value (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.7 g (~ 35 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 92%