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Sea buckthorn juice

Sea buckthorn juice...

Cold showers, bare trees and eternal slush - this is probably how many people associate autumn. However, this time of year can be colorful, cozy and inspiring at times. That's when we so need a cup of fragrant tea with herbs as we wrap ourselves in warm, soft scarves, breathing in prickly morning air. The usual melancholy of autumn can be easily filled with bright colors, extraordinary taste and an abundance of natural vitamins that are contained in sea buckthorn juice.

This wonderful drink starts with picking berries and at this stage you will have a good mood. And the point is not only in the positive orange color of sea buckthorn, but also in the time of harvesting this certainly useful berry. Of course, no one forbids collecting sea buckthorn at the end of summer, but you must agree that it is then that each hostess is burdened with other worries, preparations and other urgent matters. A huge plus of sea buckthorn can be called the fact that you can collect this useful berry even after the first frosts. Moreover, it is in the autumn season that sea buckthorn harvesting is much simplified and becomes more pleasant.

Sea buckthorn is referred to as rather specific berries - many like its taste with delicate acid, but the stumbling block is sometimes stones, which, although they have no less benefits than juicy pulp, and eating this berry with them is not a pleasant pleasure. So, you can enjoy the original taste and at the same time get the maximum benefit from this berry. It is enough to make sea buckthorn juice from it.

By the way, the most pleasant moment in the use of sea buckthorn juice can be called the fact that in full all the useful substances of this drink are absorbed by the body in liquid form. The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn juice make this drink one of the most popular natural vitamin complexes. At the same time, sea buckthorn juice is equally useful both freshly squeezed and canned.

Benefits of sea buckthorn juice

The benefits of sea buckthorn juice for human health lie primarily in the fact that it contains just a record amount of vitamins, minerals and organic acids, thanks to which such a seemingly miniature berry has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and restorative effect. In addition, regular consumption of sea buckthorn juice has a beneficial effect on the appearance of our skin, increasing its elasticity and improving the complexion.

The main problem of the cold season is frequent colds. Sea buckthorn juice contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid and carotene, so it will easily win the body's fight against colds. And due to the fact that sea buckthorn juice does not lose its useful properties for a long time, in winter it will play the role of the main source of natural vitamins. Therefore, the benefits of sea buckthorn juice for humans are beyond doubt.

sea buckthorn juice 60 kCal

Energy value of sea buckthorn juice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.2 g (~ 9 kCal)
Fats: 5.7 g (~ 51 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.5 g (~ 18 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 15% | 86% | 30%