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This cool foaming drink is wonderful refreshing in hot, sultry weather, so kvass is especially popular in summer. True, here we are talking about a real product of natural fermentation, which is prepared according to a classic recipe, that is, without the use of artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, colors and sweeteners. Indeed, in this case, kvass, which has invigorating qualities and useful properties, simply turns into sweet and unhealthy water, which also makes you gain extra pounds.

Quite often kvass is used not only as a cool drink, but also as a basis for preparing a considerable number of dishes - from a variety of soups to sweet meals and desserts. Quite famous and popular among the population of our country is still okroshka - a cold first dish, invented, in fact, by burlaks, who simply soaked cured and other similar fish in this foamy drink. The calorie content of kvass is 27 kcal per hundred grams of liquid.

Kvass species

In general, there are few types of kvass - you can say the main only three. This is fruity, berry and the most common - bread. The first two types of kvass are made both on the basis of exclusively berries and fruits, and when mixing a classic drink with fruit and berry components. And the bread kvass beloved by many is made from dried black (rye) bread, mainly crust.

Composition of kvass

If you decide to make this drink yourself, first of all you should deal with what it is, that is, directly with the composition of kvass. And it is a ready-to-eat product in which the alcohol and lactic acid fermentation of wort is not completely completed. Interestingly, our kvass, although it belongs to soft drinks, sometimes the alcohol content in it reaches
1. 2% of the liquid volume.

Benefits of kvass

Like all soft drinks that are prepared from natural components, the benefits of kvass are quite justified for humans. First of all, it contributes to the normalization of the digestive system and the acceleration of metabolism in the body. Kvass contains B vitamins, with a lack of which forgetfulness, irritability, chronic fatigue, dry skin, hair, dizziness and incomprehensible drowsiness, as well as vitamins PP and E.

Due to the fact that this tasty drink contains a fairly large amount of acid, harmful bacteria cannot live and multiply in it. Thanks to this property, the benefits of kvass are especially manifested in the ability to act as a different agent from dysbiosis. In addition, with regular use of kvass, immunity strengthens, mood rises, and high pressure also decreases slightly.

Harm to kvass

Kvass also has contraindications: urolithiasis, increased acidity of gastric juice, cirrhosis of the liver, cystitis and gout. In addition, often the harm of kvass, if it is a low-quality product, can also manifest itself in gaining excess weight, since such an unnatural drink of sugar and yeast consists of.

kvass 27 kKal

Energy value of kvass (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.2 g (~ 21 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 0% | 77%