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Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice...

The useful properties of cabbage have been known to white humanity since ancient times. The ancient philosopher and thinker Pythagoras described the unique beneficial properties of white cabbage. In addition, the first ancient Greek doctors used cabbage in the treatment of many ailments of that time. It is worth noting that cabbage juice, the composition of which is enriched with a colossal amount of useful compounds of natural origin, has even greater benefits than the vegetable itself.

It is also noteworthy that, thanks to its distinctive beneficial properties, cabbage juice helps people who are obese. Some nutritionists see cabbage juice as almost a panacea that will help them cope with excess weight. However, as is often the case, in addition to the benefits, experts saw the harm of cabbage juice for the human body.

Benefits of cabbage juice

We suggest considering both the positive and negative aspects of eating cabbage juice. Perhaps it is worth starting with the benefits of cabbage juice for the human body. It is believed that the main feature and benefit of cabbage juice is the unique ability of the product to influence the natural processes of converting carbohydrates contained in food into fats.

This means that with regular consumption of cabbage juice, it helps to lose excess weight. A cabbage diet that includes daily consumption of cabbage juice just half an hour before each meal gives a positive visible result. True, you should not be mistaken in vain and think that only cabbage juice will help in the fight against excess pounds.

Harm of cabbage juice

Some are so fond of such a diet that they do not notice the consequences of the harm of cabbage juice and only aggravate the situation by continuing to actively eat the product. In addition, before eating cabbage juice, it is worth consulting a doctor, since the product can cause irreparable harm to some categories of people, for example, suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors also recommend refraining from eating cabbage juice with a previous myocardial infarction, as well as people suffering from increased body acidity. Cabbage juice can be easily made at home. For this, young white cabbage is best suited. The vegetable should be thoroughly washed, preferably under running water and cleaned of pollution, as well as curled leaves.

Before making cabbage juice, you should cut out the grub, and then grind the cabbage and squeeze the juice. As a rule, a juicer or a regular meat grinder is used to squeeze cabbage juice. You can squeeze cabbage juice using gauze and a hand press. Cabbage juice is consumed undiluted or mixed with other vegetable juices or fermented milk products.

cabbage juice 25 kCal

Energy value of cabbage juice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.8 g (~ 7 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.7 g (~ 19 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 29% | 4% | 75%