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Bread kvass

Bread kvass...

We think that almost every resident of our latitudes knows about the refreshing and useful properties of bread kvass. It is worth noting that bread kvass has long been considered the national drink of all Slavs. Sour drink or bread kvass has long been made in Russia. Bread kvass at all times was considered an excellent refreshing and even healthy drink.

Composition of bread kvass

From the name of the drink, it can be understood that the basis of the composition of bread kvass is bread, which is usually baked from rye or rye-wheat flour. In addition, bread kvass includes barley or wheat malt, as well as pure spring water. In previous times, natural honey, as well as medicinal herbs, were necessarily added to bread kvass.

Thanks to this combination of useful natural components, the drink had not only excellent taste, but also distinctive useful characteristics. People used the properties of bread kvass in folk medicine. Up until now, bread kvass is perhaps the most popular invigorating drink that is commonly consumed in our latitudes during the hot season.

The calorie content of bread kvass, as well as taste, as well as useful parameters, depend primarily on the composition of the components used in the production of the drink. The average caloric content of bread kvass declared by the beverage manufacturers is 27 Kcal.

The benefits of bread kvass

The benefits of bread kvass are due to the vitamin-mineral composition of the drink, which is enriched with a significant amount of various compounds that have a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. Bread kvass benefits the digestive, and in addition, cardiovascular system. Bread kvass is enriched with vitamins of group E, B, as well as amino acids of natural origin.

Bread kvass contains useful natural enzymes, as well as lactic, acetic and carbonic acids, which help to establish digestion and restore metabolic processes in the human body. Studies have shown that in its impact, bread kvass is similar to products that are not less useful and important in the human diet, such as kefir, kumys, as well as prostokvash or acidophilin.

Harm of bread kvass

However, in addition to beneficial properties, there is also harm to bread kvass for the human body. Which can negatively affect the state of health, as well as well-being. Doctors do not recommend using the drink in large quantities. In addition, bread kvass can harm people suffering from cirrhosis, as well as hypertension and gastritis.

It is worth emphasizing that eating bread kvass in moderation will not harm the health of your body, but on the contrary will have a positive, invigorating and refreshing effect. In addition, home-made bread kvass is considered more useful, since the store version of the drink often contains food additives, dyes, as well as preservatives in its chemical composition, which in the vast majority of cases are considered unsafe for humans.

bread kvass 27 kKal

Energy value of bread kvass (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.2 g (~ 21 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 0% | 77%