Pear juice
Since ancient times in China, pear trees symbolized longevity, probably because their lifespans largely exceed those of other fruit trees. Poets in ancient Greece devoted poems to pear wood, and the famous healer Galen prescribed pear juice to his patients to relieve fever health. In our country, juicy pear tree fruits and pear-based juice are also highly valued and belong to the category of healing drinks.
Pear juice and cooking do not bypass - here chefs prepare a lot of all kinds of treats based on it. These are delicious multi-fruit juices, fragrant low-alcohol cocktails, saturated syrups. . . In addition, desserts and other sweet dishes based on pear juice - jelly, sorbets, ice cream - are unusually tasty.
Benefits of pear juice
The benefits of pear juice for the human body are contained in its rich chemical composition. Due to the high content of a trace element called potassium, with its regular use, stones are disintegrated and removed from the kidneys, vessels are strengthened and the course of urolithiasis is facilitated.
Fructose, which is found in pear juice in considerable quantities, makes this drink an excellent medicine for the treatment of thyroid diseases. And sorbitol, which is quite a lot in the juice of immature pears, helps to strengthen capillaries, helps patients with diabetes mellitus, and also prevents the occurrence of low blood. The drink obtained from immature pears prevents the reproduction of harmful bacteria - these are staphylococci, as well as dysentery and E. coli.
The benefits of pear juice are also known as an excellent cleanser. With the regular use of this drink, carcinogens, toxins and slags are gradually eliminated from the body. In addition, there is even a possibility of preventing the development of malignancies in the colon.
However, the use of this healing drink requires compliance with certain rules, but on this issue the opinions of experts are ambiguous. Nutritionists claim that too many organic acids are present in the freshly squeezed pear juice, and therefore, if consumed after eating, the fermentation process will begin in the stomach. This is probably why most nutritionists advise drinking pear juice an hour before eating.
But at the same time, other experts strongly discourage the consumption of juice from pears on an empty stomach, arguing that it is better to do this after eating. Most likely, it is more correct to drink pear juice better between meals so that the products are not mixed, especially if its consumption is therapeutic.
pear juice 45.5 kCal
Energy value of pear juice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0.3 g (~ 3 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 11g (~ 44kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 6% | 97%