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The leader in the global market for the production and sale of soft drinks, the pride of all America, The Coca-Cola Company Corporation is the happy owner of the most expensive brand in history. The popular drink Coca-Cola has not left the pedestal of the most famous and expensive brands of soft drinks for several years. You can buy Coca-Cola all over the world.

The history of Coca-Cola fizz began in the late 19th century when retired officer Mr Pemberton decided to retrain as a pharmacist. John's accountant and friend Frank Robinson was a calligrapher and the first to come up with the name of the drink and the Coca-Cola brand, which has been invariable for more than 120 years and is "hearsay" for everyone. Coca-Cola's original composition included ingredients such as coca leaves and tropical cola tree nuts.

In those days, Coca-Cola was considered a medicine, and the drink began to be sold in a specially built machine in the main pharmacy in American Atlanta. At the beginning of the 20th century, the popularity of Coca-Cola reached its climax. From that time to this day, dark-colored soda is as much a symbol of all things American as a statue of Liberty, anthem or flag of the United States.

Coca-Cola line-up

In modern times, the composition of Coca-Cola has undergone significant changes. Modern beverage contains sugar, caffeine, flavouring agents, Ye150 dye, Ye122, carbon dioxide and orthophosphoric acid. Agree that there is nothing left to do with the original Coca-Cola treatment drink. By the way, the full recipe for the drink is still kept in a strict secret, because since the founding of the Coca-Cola brand, analogues of the drink began to appear in different parts of the earth.

Coca-Cola species

The international corporation The Coca-Cola Company is striving for continuous improvement and replenishment of the line of drinks. There are several species of Coca-Cola that differ not only in their composition, but also in their taste. The amount of sugar in the drink and its calorie content also depends on the type of Coca-Cola. The following species of Coca-Cola are distinguished:

Coca-Cola Diet or a sugar-free diet and low-calorie drink.

Coca-Cola Light, the drink is also distinguished by its low calorie and sugar content.

Coca-Cola Vanilla, a vanilla-flavored drink.

Coca-Cola Cherry, a cherry-flavored drink.

Coca-Cola benefits

The controversy and heated debate surrounding the good of Coca-Cola or the harm of the drink does not subside throughout the brand's lifespan. Many advocates and proponents of the drink argue that there is no fundamental difference between the effect of Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks on the human body. The results of a number of studies are also cited as evidence, which found that Coca-Cola does not bring tangible and visible benefits to humans, however, the harm of the drink to horse has not been studied or established.

Damage to Coca-Cola

Although, there are other opinions on this subject, supported by studies that suggest otherwise and claim that there are significant harm to Coca-Cola's health and even human life. After all, you cannot ignore the fact that the drink contains a huge amount of sugar, and in addition to food additives, which are the main harm of Coca-Cola. Frequent consumption of soda causes disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to the development of gastritis and ulcers.

cola pine 210 kCal

Energy value of pine-cola (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 55g (~ 220kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 105%