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Assam tea

Assam tea...

Many experts who know and value tea, it is divided into 2 large categories - Chinese and Indian. It is difficult to talk about objectivity, but in our country it is the Indian varieties of black tea that are considered the best. Speaking of them, we mean darjeeling and assam. Both are assembled and manufactured in India, in states of the same name. More details we would like to talk about the latter.

Assam tea is the pride of the state. Its production is the main branch of the local national economy. The humid and hot subtropical climate does its job, giving tea unique characteristics that are not characteristic of any other analogue of it. Assam is a classic plain black tea. Its leaves are characterized by the presence of a large number of villi. The color of the leaf varies from dark green to light green.

The discoverer of tea is considered to be the Englishman Robert Bruce. It was he who discovered wild tea trees in the Indian province, which were later cultivated. Already in 1839, the first batch of high-quality assam tea went to London. Its leaves have a pleasant and strong aroma, and when brewed they give a bright and rich color.

Correct assam

Speaking about what the assam should be, several parameters are distinguished at once. He must be strong, as well as have a rich and full-fledged taste bouquet with a light malt tint. Add astringent and tart notes to that. All this despite the fact that assam tea is more tender and soft than its Ceylon counterparts.

Assam tea is determined by experts on a specific spicy, slightly floral aroma. Do not forget the unusual honey shade for black tea. The color of properly brewed tea is sometimes referred to as the "sponge crust color. " It can be either slightly orange or saturated red-brown.

Assam tea culture

Since its introduction, the drink has spread worldwide. However, not everyone knows how to drink it. It's best for a morning or lunch tea party. Tea is great with sugar, milk, lemon and almost any snack. However, be careful, because the variety of snacks will shade the aftertaste of the tea itself, which will not allow you to enjoy it fully.

tea assam kKal

Energy value of tea assam (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)