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Apricot juice

Apricot juice...

Despite the fact that the apricot tree belongs to the plum family, which are quite common in our country and are not considered a curiosity, fragrant orange fruits are very popular in Russia. The birthplace of apricot is China, where today it is customary to plant these beautiful trees along the roads due to their attractive appearance. Undoubtedly, the aesthetic side is important, but the most important among these trees are the fruits of the same name, which differ in shape and color depending on the variety. In cooking, apricot is used in different ways - fresh and dried, as fragrant jams, jam and juice. Here we will talk about the latter.

Apricot juice, unlike, for example, grape or pomegranate, is always made with pulp, which contains a yellow coloring substance known as carotene. It is also called provitamin A, just a necessary element for a person. Therefore, the beneficial properties of apricot juice are primarily in maintaining bone and nerve tissue, as well as mucous membranes in a healthy state.

In addition to the store product, you can easily cook apricot juice at home. To do this, you need to choose ripe and intact fruits, which, after careful treatment, dry a little to remove excess moisture from the surface. It remains only to separate the juicy flesh from the bones and squeeze juice from the apricots. In addition to the juicer, you can use a regular fork or pusher, and then squeeze the resulting mass through gauze. But remember that apricot juice with pulp is still considered the most useful, so do not really try to squeeze. It is not recommended to store the finished drink for a long time, due to the fact that cold air quickly destroys all its beneficial properties.

Besides the fact that apricot juice itself is a very tasty and fragrant drink, it can be mixed with other juices, for example, with carrot or apple. Often this product is used in the preparation of a variety of cocktails, low-alcohol mixes or sorbets.

Regular consumption of apricot juice has a beneficial effect on our body. It helps to restore the vital forces of the body, and also has the ability to positively affect hematopoiesis, in connection with which it is often recommended for anemia, vitamin deficiency, as well as hypovitaminosis. However, the benefits of apricot juice are not limited to this. Thus, pectin in its composition contributes to early purification during intoxication, and the excellent properties of the natural antioxidant make it extremely useful for cancer.

apricot juice 55 kCal

Energy value of apricot juice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 12.7 g (~ 51 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 4% | 0% | 92%