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Golden tequila

Golden tequila...

Even children know that in addition to mariachas, sambrera and nocrocortels, Mexico is famous for its national drink - tequila. So much attention is paid to its preparation that it is stipulated in the law. Moreover, there are special supervisory authorities to ensure that everything that is written on the bottle label is true. Tequila is represented mainly by 2 species - silver and gold. It is a mistake to believe that they are not different from each other.

It should be noted right away that not all of the gold that tequila "Gold" is. A really high-quality drink cannot have a low cost. Real tequila is a strong alcoholic drink, the content of ethyl alcohol in which is about 40%. It consists of blue agave juice. Ideal when it takes 100% of the millimetre of the bottle (of course, in a certain proportion with water and other elements). However, it is extremely difficult to find such a "miracle" in our country.

The most common golden tequila is "mixto" with the addition of caramel. It has a lower cost, but it is extremely difficult to call it full-fledged tequila, because it contains alcohols of other origin in an amount of no more than 49% (from sugar cane, corn, etc. ). Mexico simply cannot meet the needs of the world for so many agaves. Despite this, gold tequila is in tremendous demand.

Culture of eating gold tequila

The Mexicans themselves take the drink very calmly and do not make a ritual out of it. Europe and North America are another matter. The most popular way to eat is with salt and lemon. The back of the palm is moistened with lemon juice and poured over the juice. All this is licked after drinking 50 grams of tequila. Immediately after, they are eaten with lemon or green lime. Refreshing extraordinary!

An equally popular way is "tequila boom. " It gained the greatest distribution in the club environment. A tonic is added to the glass with the drink, after which everything is covered with the palm. It is necessary to sharply hit the table with a fist, the tonic will boil, and until he runs out the whole thing is drunk in a volley.

Composition of golden tequila

The recipe for preparing the drink is kept in the strictest secret. But its composition should be indicated on the label. Ideal when the golden tequila is 100% agave, distilled water, yeast and caramel.

gold tequila kKal

Energy value of golden tequila (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)