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Vodka citron

Vodka citron...

It is safe to state that vodka is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. It is made of purified water and ethyl alcohol. They also do not disdain the addition of various spices, spices, flavors and dyes. This has certain advantages, allowing you to enjoy the flavors of vinyl or citrus fruits, the taste of spices, the spiciness of peppers, etc. Usually the strength of vodka does not exceed 40%. Rare specimens boast 56%.

In our country, the use of vodka in its pure form is widespread, which cannot be said about Americans or Europeans. There, this strong alcoholic drink is more often used in the manufacture of cocktails, and is also added to baking and some other culinary delights. There are a lot of varieties of vodka - mint, with pepper, with prunes, raspberry, spicy, lemon, etc. Citron vodka is especially popular.

The drink is traditionally based on purified water, ethyl alcohol and various flavors from the citrus family: grapefruit, orange, lime, mandarin and orange. Add the burning zest oils to this to make the smell even more persistent and the taste even more intense. A distinctive feature of vodka is its creativity. It manifests itself in everything from the cooking procedure to the use.

Options for drinking vodka citron

The drink can be used by you in a variety of variations. Vodka citron tastes good and will perform perfectly solo. It should be served chilled for a special snack: bream fried or baked, sandwiches with fish or caviar, all types of red meat, etc.

There is an opinion that citron vodka was created specifically for only one cocktail - Cosmopolitan. To prepare it, you need to take 30ml of vodka and the same amount of orange liquor, as well as add 45ml of cranberry fruit, 40g of lime, 5g of orange and 150g of ice in cubes to them. Of the other cocktails that anyone can make, we note the following: small salty Russian, capri, endorphan, broker shooter and citrus cape coder.

Precautions for the use of citron vodka

It is categorically not recommended to abuse the drink. A hangover is only a small part of what awaits your body. It has been proven that increased proportions of vodka negatively affect brain cells, and also lead to diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system.

vodka citron kCal

Energy value of vodka citron (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)