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Vodka arak

Vodka arak...

Vodka arak or araki is a fairly strong alcoholic drink that is mainly common in the Middle East, Southeast Europe and Central Asia. It is noteworthy that, depending on the state and the region, arak vodka can differ not only in the degree of strength, but also in the types of raw materials, as well as the method of production.

As is known, arak vodka is not a fermentation drink, such as beer or wine, but a distillation product, and therefore special equipment and certain technical knowledge are required for its manufacture. The source raw materials for arak vodka can be milk, grapes, rice, palm juice, dates and much more.

However, the main component of arak vodka is essential oil, which is obtained from anise seed. This is due to the presence of a characteristic milk color of the drink when mixing arak vodka with water or ice.

Of the Middle Eastern countries, Jordanian and Lebanese arak vodka are most valued. In Greece, in addition to real arak vodka, which is called Oza, it is customary to make sweet Sambuk liqueur based on anise, which is distinguished by a much lower alcoholic strength and a high sugar content. The main difference between Bulgarian rakiya vodka and real arak is the complete absence of anise essential oils in the drink.

Another difference between rakia and arak vodka is that the first is aged in oak barrels for more than six months, while the manufacture of the second does not provide for such a stage. The widespread use of arak vodka in the southern regions, with its complete absence in the northern latitudes, is probably due to the fact that this strong drink is one of the few that drink quite easily in the heat, while warming poorly in the cold.

Interestingly, nomads in Central Asia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, as a rule, the manufacture of arak vodka is based on mare milk (kumys). In other words, this vodka is prepared from severely overbred kumys, which contains at least 5-6% alcohol. After distillation, arak vodka with a strength of about 30 degrees is obtained, but sometimes a second distillation is made. To date, the production of this drink from kumys in these countries is not produced, as it was replaced by ordinary vodka, but arak has never been produced here on an industrial scale.

By the way, milk vodka, which is called tarasun, is also made by Buryats. This strong drink based on Huremge or fermented cow's milk whey is prepared. Buryats like to drink this traditional vodka in the summer.

vodka arak 302 kKal

Energy value of arak vodka (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.52 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 1%