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Madera wine

Madera wine...

Madera wine, although rather madeira, refers to strong types of grape-based drinks. Initially, it was made exclusively on the wooded island of Madeira - hence the name.

Wines of this type can be not only dessert, but also dry. The unifying feature of these drinks during the preparation of Madera wine is the prolonged exposure of the starting material at a sufficiently high temperature. As a result, saccharoamine reactions occur in the product, which cause the amber color of madera along with caramel-nut shades in taste and aroma.

Depending on the variety of grapes used, as well as the percentage of sugar, it is customary to distinguish between 4 main varieties of Madera wine: dry Cercial wine, semi-dry Verdello, semi-sweet Bual (Bual, Boal) and the sweetest type of Madera Malvasia or Malmsi. All of them belong to white species.

This truly noble drink rightfully deserves the right approach to consumption, in the process of which all the potential inherent in Madera is revealed. For this, as a rule, you should not only know how to drink this wine, but also with what gastronomic delights to combine it.

First of all, Madera wine is a magnificent aperitif. When chilled (up to 17 degrees), this drink combines well with traditional second dishes. They can drink snacks that are made from calf tongue or liver, ham, as well as dishes based on poultry meat. Combined with them, Madera wine can open in a very special way. In addition, a glass of uncooled drink can bring a unique pleasure combined with dessert and a cup of fragrant coffee.

When making cocktails and other mixed drinks, madera wine acts as a fragrant ingredient. In addition, punches, kruchons and grogs are often made on its basis.

Basically, it is customary to drink madera wine from tulip-like glasses, which allows you to best open the bouquet of this drink. At the same time, a rather high vessel leg prevents the madera from heating from the palm of the holder.

But it is important to know not only how to properly consume Madera wine, but also find the right time. Open the bottle, take your time to drink wine right away - get aesthetic pleasure from its amber color and fully enjoy the aroma. This subtle smell of wine absorbed the purest sea air, sunny warmth and generous gifts of the vine - allow yourself to slowly enjoy this game of taste and rare harmony, which brings memories of the fabulous landscapes of Crimea.

Madera wines 130 kCal

Energy value of mader wine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 10g (~ 40kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 31%