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Although wine is considered a drink of the gods, people are not averse to enjoying this fragrant natural product. It is a pity that at present, really natural and high-quality drinks are less and less common, the price of which sometimes reaches prohibitive heights, and wine comes in their place, obtained by mixing artificial concentrates with alcohol and flavors.

However, true connoisseurs and foodies know that the beneficial properties of wine and the unrivalled taste and aroma of a natural product are worth allowing yourself to open a bottle of a high-quality drink. When drinking wine, it should be borne in mind that there are certain rules regarding the serving of this product and its combination with a variety of dishes - wine etiquette.

So, before eating, it is customary to use aperitif, which is represented by wines such as sherry, madera or vermouth. White table wines are remarkably suitable for snacks and light dishes, and natural semi-sweet and semi-dry grape drinks are well combined with vegetable dishes. Red dry wine is perfect for meat (veal, lamb, kebab, game, buzhenin or pilaf). By the way, the calorie content of wine directly depends on the specific variety and the content of sugar and alcohol in the product.

Whatever type of wine you choose, remember that before drinking it directly, you should enjoy the aroma of a natural product - you cannot drink it like water, but you need to drink a sip and hold it in your mouth. In addition, each wine variety also requires a different serving temperature: saturated red wines, for example, are served at room temperature, light drinks need to be cooled to 12-16 degrees, and champagne gives its taste and aroma as much as possible at eight degrees.

Types of wine

Mainly wines are classified according to the percentage of alcohol and sugar. In this case, table, dessert and dessert strong grape drinks stand out. The former are divided into dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet. Dessert wines are not only semi-sweet and sweet, but also liqueur. And the latter include wines such as port, madera and the like.

The wines also differ in the grape variety that is used in their production, so the main criterion here is color: white, pink and red.

In addition, there are other classifications, according to which there are such types of wine as varietal (from one grape variety), seeding (from several varieties) and blending (when the finished wine material of different varieties is mixed).

Composition of wine

The chemical composition of the wine, as well as its properties, can depend on many factors that, when merged together, significantly affect the quality, taste and aroma of the product. These are climatic, soil conditions and topography of the grape growing place, agrotechnical techniques, methods of wine production and many others.

However, it is worth noting that a rich mineral complex is common to the composition of wine, including such important substances as magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium. In addition, there are vitamins PP and V2 in wine.

The benefits of wine

The benefits of wine for human health have been proven for quite some time, but we are talking about this exclusively in the case of moderate consumption of this natural drink, which has pronounced antibacterial properties. Moreover, almost the same effect is observed when using a drink twice diluted with water.

In metabolic disorders and obesity, wine also has a beneficial effect on the body. It helps to remove harmful substances from the body, in particular, toxins, carcinogens and slags. In addition, the benefit of wine lies in the ability to lower cholesterol levels in the human body. After numerous studies, it was found that in people who regularly consumed this natural drink in permissible doses, the content of this substance in the blood is reduced.

Harms of wine

In general, the harm of wine, like any other drink containing alcohol, manifests itself in the case of abuse and is expressed in the formation and development of diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, stomach cancer, high pressure and alcohol dependence.

wine 64 kCal

Energy value of wine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.3 g (~ 1 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 2%