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Soviet champagne

Soviet champagne...

If you ask the vast majority of residents of our latitudes about what kind of drink the traditional family feast for the New Year will not do without. We think many will immediately call Soviet champagne. This drink is considered an indispensable attribute of most events dedicated to memorable or important dates. Soviet champagne is one of the most famous brands of domestic sparkling wine. In turn, sparkling wine is a rather popular drink, which differs from wine in that its composition is specially saturated with carbon dioxide.

This method of making wines was called the "champagne method" or, as in the original French language, this method of making méthode champenoise wines sounds. The famous Soviet champagne began to be produced in the USSR since the 30s of the last century. It is worth noting that in those Soviet times, all sparkling wines produced in any part of a huge country were called nothing more than Soviet champagne. The history of the trademark and the drink itself Soviet champagne began in 1924, when, after the abolition of Prohibition, winemakers were tasked with developing a recipe and launching sparkling wine or champagne available to the general population in mass production.

At all times, champagne belonged to special types of alcoholic beverages. It was believed that an expensive drink, and real champagne is not cheap, can only afford selected ones. The responsible task of developing a new Soviet champagne variety was entrusted to the famous winemaker and chess player A. M. Frolov-Bagreev. To develop the recipe for Soviet champagne, a team of professionals trained in Germany and France.

As a result of hard work, Soviet technologists and specialists developed not only their own recipe for Soviet champagne, but also an apparatus that was named after the inventor of the "Akratophor of the Frolov-Bagreev system. " Until now, the Soviet apparatus for the production of sparkling wines is considered one of the lushih. A vivid illustration of the quality and importance of the Soviet method of production of sparkling wines is the fact that the most famous French company for the production of the oldest varieties of champagne Moet & Chandon back in 1975 acquired a license for the production of sparkling wine, according to the system developed in the USSR.

There are several main varieties of Soviet champagne, for example: brut, semi-dry, dry, semi-sweet and sweet sparkling wine. For the production of Soviet champagne, special grape varieties are used that help winemakers achieve the necessary level of quality of sparkling wine. The most common grapes used for the manufacture of Soviet champagne are the following varieties - Chardonnay, Pinot, Muscat, Riesling or Aligote, as well as Cabernet and Sauvignon.

In addition to the above types of Soviet champagne, there are two special varieties of drink. White and red Soviet champagne. These types of Soviet champagne are made using wine production technology, and then enrich the finished wine with carbon dioxide.

Soviet champagne 88 kCal

Energy value of Soviet champagne (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5g (~ 20kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 23%