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Red bull drink

Red bull drink...

The Red bull drink is produced by Red Bull GmbH and is a popular power engineer with a rather pleasant taste and low alcohol content. In our country, you can purchase 5 options for this drink, including:

Red Bull Energy Drink (original),

Red Bull Cola (cola flavored),

Red Bull Sugarfree (no added sugar),

Red Bull Energy Shot (60 ml original),

Red Bull Energy Shot Sugarfree (60 ml sugar-free drink).

To date, the Red bull drink has enjoyed steady popularity, especially among young people. According to some reports, the Red bull drink is sold in more than 140 world countries.

Interestingly, modern scientists and specialists in the field of dietetics are divided about the impact of drinking Red bull and similar power engineers on human health. So, a minority call them quite harmless, comparing them with ordinary soda, while most of the doctors assure us of the obvious harm of such drinks, citing drugs as an example.

Red bull beverage composition

In order to understand the correctness of each group of specialists, you need to get acquainted with the composition of the Red bull drink. First of all, the fundamental components in this energy sector in addition to water are sucrose and glucose. The first substance is common sugar, and the second ingredient acts as the main nutrient for the human body.

However, doubts about the composition of the Red bull drink in many are caused by caffeine, called the most famous psychostimulant, which is found not only in coffee, but also in cola nuts or tea. As you know, caffeine is able to reduce drowsiness and overcome the feeling of fatigue, accelerating the pulse and helping a person withstand strong mental loads. But this is a temporary effect, followed by even more fatigue.

In addition, the Red bull drink contains theobromine (a stimulant, but less strong), which is present in chocolate, as well as taurine, a substance that helps the nervous system and takes part in the metabolism. By the way, taurine is a derivative of cysteine, which is a necessary amino acid with a powerful antioxidant effect.

Each separately taken component in the composition of the Red bull drink has a positive effect on the human body, but these substances are present here in amounts that are tens, and sometimes hundreds of times higher than the daily need. In addition, they contact each other, and how this will affect the person in the future is still unknown.

red bull 45 kCal

The energy value of the drink red bull (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 11g (~ 44kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 98%