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Jaguar drink

Jaguar drink...

Jaguar began its triumphant march around the world with an energy drink back in 2000. In our country, along with Europe, both low-alcohol and energy drinks have become very popular and in demand. That is why the Jaguar drink firmly took its not last place in the field of club parties, and later among ordinary "party-goers. "

It is noteworthy that at the moment the Jaguar drink holds a leading position among low-alcohol drinks in our country, at the same time taking first places in ten more states. In Russia, the Jaguar drink became widespread in 2006 - then its strength was 9%, and a year later a less alcoholic version appeared on sale - the JaguarLight drink - with a strength of

5. 5%. The container for him served in a dark blue jar with a stylish design.

A few years later (in 201
1) another novelty comes out for fans of this drink. It was a JaguarGold drink, already released in black tins with gold elements. Such a drink contained 7% alcohol, and it contained natural orange juice.

According to the beverage manufacturer Jaguar, the secret to the popularity of this energy cocktail was its balanced composition, which includes exceptionally high-quality components, as well as a perfectly selected alcohol content along with a stylish design.

Nevertheless, Jaguar has a reverse side of the coin: in particular, the negative effect of its regular use on the human body. So, most doctors are extremely concerned about the fact that Jaguar drink is very popular with young people. The fact is that this power engineer is able to cause alcohol dependence, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which is due to the mixing of stimulants and relaxants in one drink.

Referring to the composition of Jaguar drink, it should be said that it is represented by water, ethyl alcohol, sugar, citric acid, taurine, caffeine, Ye129 dye, Ye211 preservative and vitamins.

For example, a food coloring agent can Ye129 be used in the manufacture of drugs, cosmetics, as well as some confectionery products. And this is despite the fact that it is taboo in nine European countries. Allergic reactions and even the occurrence of malignant tumors can be negative consequences from its use.

The food preservative Ye211 or sodium benzoate in Jaguar can cause diseases such as cirrhosis and Parkinson's disease. In addition, there is speculation that it is this dietary supplement that causes DNA damage.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the combination of caffeine with alcohol in one drink. As you know, separately, these substances do not affect the human body so much, but under heavy loads, such a mixture that is observed in the Jaguar drink can provoke a fatal outcome.

beverage jaguar 87 kCal

The energy value of the jaguar drink (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 11.5g (~ 46kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 53%