Drink akvavit

The alcoholic drink Akvavit Akvavit is known in many countries of the world, but it was first produced in Scandinavia in the 13th century in the territory of modern Norway, Denmark and Sweden. This drink, the name of which can be translated as live water, is infused with herbs and spices, as a result it has a strength of 38-50 vol. Initially, wheat alcohol was used for the production of Akvavit drink, which was replaced by potato alcohol due to crop failure in the 16th century.
In almost seven centuries of the history of the drink Akvavit, the set of spices and herbs, one might say, has not changed. By tradition, it includes cinnamon, dill seeds, cumin and anise, coriander, St. John's wort and fennel leaves, elderflower, juniper berries and a number of other secret ingredients. In order for the finished drink Akvavit to insist and acquire a characteristic yellow-brown color, alcohol with the collection of herbs and spices is poured into oak barrels, the volume of which is 250 liters. At the same time, the longer the drink is aged, the brighter and richer its color.
The main secret of the peculiar taste and aroma of Akvavit drink is that during the first months the barrels with infusion constantly move. To do this, they are immersed on a ship and sent on a long voyage, as a result of which the herb esters completely give away their aroma and taste of the alcohol component. After such a trip, Akvavit drink is bottled, the labels of which traditionally indicate the sea route it has overcome.
Initially, Akvavit was produced as a medicine. Interestingly, it was once used to prevent and treat alcoholism. In the 60s of the last century, Akvavit was popular as an effective means of improving heart function, increasing blood flow and dilating blood vessels. For example, in Denmark, each pensioner received two glasses of this drink weekly, but due to the increasing fraud, such a gesture from the state stopped.
Aquavit drink (Akvavit) is usually consumed in chilled form or frozen to -18 °. It is an integral part of the solemn or festive table in Scandinavia. In addition, when preparing dishes of traditional Norwegian cuisine, it is added to confectionery, used as an aromatic additive in the manufacture of cakes and for impregnating cake cakes. By the way, chocolate factories use Akvavit drink to produce candy of the same name, which is filled with alcohol in a liquid state.
It is worth saying that Norway is known to many as a fishing country - and indeed, fish dishes are unusually popular there. So, in a number of recipes for the preparation of sea trout, the use of Akvavit drink is provided, which gives fish a light hue of alcohol and a unique aroma.
drink aquavit (akvavit) 235 kCal
The energy value of the drink aquavit (akvavit) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.4 g (~ 2 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 1%