Honey wine

At the mention of the word honey, most residents of our latitudes will imagine a healthy and tasty product, which includes many useful natural compounds. Bee honey is a nectar that bees collect by pollinating a variety of plant species. Honey is classified according to the species of plant that bees pollinate. There are flower and paden honey. The first variety of honey is a product that was obtained from pollination of flowers.
Paden honey is a product that is derived from the biological processing of a natural material called padh. This is the name of the sweet liquid, which is secreted by the leaves and stems of some plants, and besides honey dew. It is worth noting that the beneficial properties of both types of honey are unique. Moreover, paddy honey is distinguished by a large content of dextrins, and besides other useful mineral compounds of natural origin.
Honey has long been used in cooking, as well as in folk medicine. On the basis of honey in the old days in Russia, they began to make a honey drink or "pitted honey. " The people dubbed such a drink simply honey. Over time, a strong alcoholic beverage based on honey gradually transformed into honey wine. It is worth noting that recipes for honey drinks, including honey wine, are found in the culinary tradition of most nationalities that have inhabited European territory since ancient times. Strong alcoholic beverages were consumed by the Slavs, Greeks, Germans, Scandinavians, Picts, Valians, as well as other nationalities.
From ancient times to the present day, the following main varieties of honey drink or honey have survived:
put honey refers to the oldest type of drink, mentioned in the annals of 880, which indicates the recipe for a drink for which honey and a mixture of different berries were used;
hop honey appears a century later, the drink was made with the addition of hops, as well as forest berries;
boiled honey began to be made using brewing technology;
honey wine and the youngest kind of honey drink.
Honey wine began to be produced much later than the above described varieties of honey drink. Interestingly, honey wine began to be made for the first time in those areas where climatic conditions simply did not allow growing grapes and making the classic "drink of the Gods. " It is worth noting that honey wine has long been produced in Russia with the addition of medicinal herbs, as well as roots.
Such homemade honey wine served not only as an alcoholic drink, but also as an effective healing agent. Natural honey wine is produced as a result of natural fermentation process of natural material, namely honey and berry syrup. In the process of aging, honey wines acquire their unique taste and aroma, and the crown of that golden color, which so resembles the color of bee honey.
honey wine 71 kCal
The energy value of honey wine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 21.3 g (~ 85 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 120%