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Almond liqueur

Almond liqueur...

The amazing beneficial properties and excellent taste of almond liquor, which is distinguished by the attractive aroma of this nut, caused its huge popularity and truly widespread use. Almond liquor is one of the most sought-after drinks of its kind today.

At the same time, the unconditional leadership of almond liquor in a number of popular aperitifs determines not only its rich taste, but also its versatility in use. Almond liqueur perfectly combines with any alcoholic beverages, advantageously emphasizing their qualities. Thanks to almond liqueur, prepared cocktails gain noble patience, which is highly appreciated by lovers of low-alcohol drinks, and also enhances their own taste and aroma.

Almond liquor is widely used in confectionery: cream and dessert dishes acquire an enviable bouquet, in which each note is due to the rich composition of the flavoring drink. In the process of heat treatment, for example, after evaporation of alcohol, vegetable extracts and essential oils of almond liquor literally impregnate the culinary product.

The most famous almond liquor around the world is rightfully considered Amaretto liquor. This nut drink has a dark brown color, and is made from bitter and sweet almonds with the addition of spices and herbs. In addition, apricot bone kernels may be used to produce this liquor. By the way, in order for the hydrogenic acid contained in the nucleoli to decompose, the nuts are poured with syrup from the grapes.

The strength of almond liquor varies between 21-30% - this is not considered very much, so it can be consumed in its pure form. Most often, food ice is added to almond liquor and drunk it in a chilled form, and as part of cocktails, it is combined with carbonated water, cream and many other ingredients.

At home, almond liqueur is made on the basis of bitter and sweet almonds, which are previously scalded with boiling water to better remove the skin, and then dried in the oven or in the air. The dried almond nut is crushed and mashed with sugar, after which it is placed in a bottle and poured with vodka. After three weeks of aging, the strained almond infusion is combined with sugar syrup, filtered well and bottled. The almond liqueur is then aged for a couple of months for more flavour.

In general, the history of making almond liquor goes back to the Middle Ages, when the fundamental concept of alchemy was the search for a panacea and the elixir of life. It was this fact that played an important role in the emergence of liquor drinks (including almond liquor), which combined a whole range of health-improving properties.

almond liquor 280 kCal

Energy value of almond liquor (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 35g (~ 140kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 50%