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Blue kurasao liquor

Blue kurasao liquor...

For a long time, liquor has been considered one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. It can be found almost anywhere from nightclubs to home feasts. Especially his taste is to the liking of lovely ladies. Although there are many cocktails that can test the strength of even the most persistent men. Speaking of the most famous liqueurs, one cannot fail to note Blue Kurasao. Its homeland is the island of Kurasao, located in the Caribbean Sea.

Before we move on to its consideration, let's say a few words about the drink itself. The appearance of liquor dates back to the 16th century. Since then, its representation has increased so much that today the ordinary client faces a huge choice, which includes more than 100 varieties. One of them is Blue Kurasao liquor. Its main features are extravagant taste and color. The fact is that the liquor is extremely specific, because it has a blue color. Some manufacturers offer even more extravagant solutions - green and orange drinks.

The taste of the liqueur is also different. It has a pronounced orange aroma and tangerine hue. The production technology implies a complex blend of Curasao pomeranians, Kinnow oranges and infusions of various herbs. Usually, the liquor composition includes the following ingredients: caramel, cloves, alcohol, extracts of lemon, orange, mandarin and kurasao fruits. The standard strength of the drink is 30%.

Liquor Use Options

Exotic taste and colour have made liquor an essential element in the cocktail card. It is no coincidence that it is considered the most recognizable liquor in the world. It blends superbly with vodka, grenadine, silver tequila, melon liqueur and gin. With all this, an experienced bartender will be able to make more than 20 cocktails with him. Here are just a few of them: blue moon, tsunami, green fairy, Russian flag, burning Ferrari, etc. You can continue for a really long time.

It's not uncommon for chefs to use Blue Kurasao liqueur for their culinary delights. It is perfectly combined with creamy ice cream, with tea and coffee, with milkshakes, with fruits, jelly, chocolate glaze, etc.

It only remains to be noted that liquor should not be abused. Otherwise, you risk serious health problems. In case of individual intolerance, be sure to contact your doctor.

liqueur bleu kurasao kKal

Energy value of bleu kurasao liqueur (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)