Red dessert wine

When choosing alcoholic beverages, in particular wine, people are guided by different motives. Some, for example, look at the price of a product, for some an important criterion is the amount of sugar and the strength of the wine, but everyone wants the chosen product to have an unsurpassed taste and aroma.
So, one of the most popular types of this grape drink is considered red dessert wine, which is characterized by a rich taste and little patience. In order for the wine to be "dessert, " which means fragrant and sweet, only those grape varieties that contain a considerable amount of sugars are suitable for its manufacture. Sometimes some special techniques are used to increase it in berries - for example, grafting.
Among the most famous red dessert wines around the world, kagor stands out, which is an integral component of the festive table for Easter. The sugar content of such wine is at least 20 grams. Serving this drink is accepted for sweet dishes and various desserts, which is why the wine is called dessert. In addition, red dessert wine is great with many types of cheese, as well as light snacks.
In addition to direct use as a fragrant drink, such wine is often used in the preparation of numerous dishes, not only sweets and desserts, but also meat meals.
The healing properties of red wine have been known for a very long time, and a lot of examples have survived in history when this drink not only treated, but also saved a person's life. And modern studies of the effects of red wine on the human body confirm its usefulness. It is clear that here we are talking about moderate consumption of this product.
In addition to the anti-stress and general strengthening effect, red dessert wine acts as a bactericidal and antimicrobial agent. The presence of astringent taste in the drink indicates the content of tannins in it, which means the ability to cope well with various intestinal disorders. All these qualities and properties explain such a considerable army of admirers of this delicious drink.
red dessert wine 172 kCal
Energy value of red dessert wine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 20g (~ 80kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 1% | 0% | 47%