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Daiquiri cocktail (daiquiri)

Daiquiri cocktail (daiquiri)...

Along with other Cuban cocktails, Daiquiri occupies a leading position in the list of the most popular and widely consumed alcoholic beverages in the world according to the rating of the International Bartender Association (IBA). It is noteworthy that similar drinks with Daiquiri cocktails exist not only in Cuba. For example, a Caipirinha cocktail is made in Brazil. The composition of the Daiquiri cocktail differs from Caipirinha only in the alcoholic component.

As a rule, in Brazil, a strong drink of cachas is used for the Caipirinha cocktail. However, often Brazilian bartenders replace kashasa with rum. The classic composition of Daiquiri cocktail includes, as a rule, only three basic components - rum, sugar and lime juice. Currently, there are a sufficient number of varieties of Daikiri cocktail. As a rule, cocktails differ from each other in flavor or fruit component, which gives Daikiri a rich taste and a pronounced aroma.

Perhaps the following most popular types of Daikiri cocktails can be distinguished:

Daiquiri Floridita or Daiquiri Florida;

Ernest Hemingway Daiquiri's favorite cocktail Papá Doble or Papa Doble differs from the classic drink with a double portion of rum in its composition;

Hemingway Special or Hemingway was in a hurry, another variant of Daiquiri, named after a great writer who often liked to go to drinking establishments in Havana;

Daikiri Derby, made with orange juice;

Daikiri Frappe is distinguished by the composition of the original ingredients, including Maraskin liquor and golden rum;

Daikiri Mulata is made with coffee liqueur, which gives the cocktail a distinctive taste, color, as well as aroma;

Daikiri Jin or sour cocktail, which is made from gin, light rum and lemon juice;

strawberry and banana Daikiri are considered perhaps the most popular and popular types of cocktail.

According to legend, the Daiquiri cocktail was invented by an American soldier and engineer who was in Cuba during the war with Spain. The name of the cocktail was not chosen by chance, the drink was named after the small town on Daikiri Beach, where the American invasion of Cuba began. The Daiquiri cocktail was a favorite drink of many powerful people, such as John F. Kennedy or Ernest Hemingway. However, ordinary people are not averse to tasting a beautiful to taste and refreshing Daikiri cocktail in its action.

Daiquiri cocktail can be made at home. This will require the following ingredients: nine parts rum, four parts lime juice, one part sugar and ice. Typically, a Daiquiri cocktail is served in a special cocteil glass or martini glass. Decorate a Daiquiri cocktail with a slice of fresh lime. Sometimes the edges of a cocktail glass are soaked in lime juice and sprinkled with sugar.

daiquiri cocktail (daiquiri) 186 kCal

Energy value of daiquiri cocktail (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.06 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0.06 g. (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 6.84 g (~ 27 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 15%