Melon syrup

Many of you are familiar with melon. This plant belongs to the Pumpkin family. Its homeland is considered Small and Central Asia. This heat and light culture does not tolerate high humidity. On the contrary, it is extremely resistant to drought and soil salinity. The first mention of her is found in the Bible. Although the logical assumption will be that the indigenous peoples of Asia used it long before the book appeared.
Melon is usually eaten raw. However, cooking does not stand still, thanks to which you can appreciate the mass of creations in which this fragrant juicy fruit is present. Take, for example, melon syrup. You can buy it in any specialized supermarket in your city.
The drink is sold in a small capacity, whose volume does not exceed 1 liter. This syrup has a characteristic yellowish color. It is very popular in the West and North America, due to which it is used in a wide variety of areas.
Options for eating melon syrup
First of all, it is worth noting that the drink is non-alcoholic. It can be used by both adults and children. We recommend drinking a glass of melon syrup before or after eating. You will immediately feel a certain lightness, an improvement in mood and an increase in the overall tone of the body. If you wish, you can eat a drink with a fresh slice of melon.
Melon syrup has a thick consistency and a sweet taste. You can use it as a dessert component when dressing ice cream or baking. Some even prefer to add it to tea/coffee/chocolate.
Melon syrup is most common among bartenders. They use it as the basis for a cocktail like the southern melon sling. Meet the syrup you and in various morsas. They also add water without gas, lime, sea buckthorn, sugar peel and some other less significant ingredients.
Benefits and harms of melon syrup
Melon has a rich composition. You will find vitamins A, P and C in it, as well as ascorbic and folic acid, carotene, mineral salts of iron, sodium, potassium and fiber. All this is transferred to melon syrup. Its regular use in small quantities contributes to a significant strengthening of immunity. Contraindication when drinking a drink can be individual intolerance.
melon syrup kCal
Energy value of melon syrup (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: g (~ 0 kCal)