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The specific taste and aroma of gin is due to the method of making this strong alcoholic beverage, in which wheat alcohol is distilled with the addition of juniper. Due to the fact that the taste of gin is characterized as rather dry, it is rarely consumed in its pure form. By the way, when choosing this product, you should distinguish true gin from thorn gin, which is a sweet liqueur and is traditionally made from turnip berries infused with gin.

For example, you bought a bottle of this drink, but you don't know how to use it. So, the most common methods of using gin include cocktails, the additional ingredient in which, in addition to ice cubes, can be a variety of juices - apelsin, lemon, grapefruit and lime juice. In addition, cranberry fruit or ginger ale is often added to gin.

But, say what, and the most popular combination today is gin and tonic, which has sunk into the soul of lovers of low-alcohol drinks that such a cocktail began to be produced industrially, and on a huge scale.

In addition to the above products, which are traditional gin satellites, others are quite often used. For example, in a dry Martini cocktail, vermouth is added to gin, and vodka is needed to make Vesper. Gin Ricky's cocktail is also famous, which uses soda instead of tonic.

Types of gin

To date, there is a clear separation of gin species, according to which there is dry London and Dutch gin. The most popular is the first variety of this strong drink.

Dry gin is characterized by a sharp but harmonious taste with a characteristic juniper aroma. According to the strength, it happens with 40-47 percent of the alcohol content. Leading here are 3 types of gin, which are of the London type: London Dry Gin, Yellow Gin and Plymouth Gin.

Gin composition

In the composition of gin (since this is a strong drink), the leading position belongs, undoubtedly, to alcohol, after which comes the second characteristic component - juniper. In addition, other natural flavors, such as lemon or pomeranian zest, may often be used in the preparation of this product.

Recently, ingredients not quite characteristic of this drink, such as anise, violet root, dudnik root, coriander, cinnamon and cassia bark, have been found in the composition of gin. But, be that as it may, a high-quality drink should have a sharp character, dry harmonious taste with a clear taste of juniper.

The harms of gin

The harm of gin, as well as the negative impact of any other strong or low-alcohol drink, directly depends on the amount and frequency of consumption of this product. In other words, moderate doses of alcohol are not able to damage the human body, while abuse leads not only to dependence, but also to other, more deplorable, consequences.

gin 275 kCal

Energy value of gin (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 0%