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Anise liqueur

Anise liqueur...

Anise liquor for many is considered a rather specific product due to its not entirely ordinary smell. Meanwhile, it is a very tasty drink with a strength of 33% at a saccharinity of 35g/100ml. Anise liqueur is a clear liquid, even slightly viscous, very sweet, with a very pronounced anise aroma and taste. This drink is made on the basis of anise seed, badyan and aromatic alcohol with the addition of rectified alcohol of the highest purification and sugar syrup.

Sambuca is recognized as the most famous anise liquor around the world. This Italian anise liqueur can be not only transparent, but also dark, as well as red. This beverage is produced from wheat alcohol, common anise, star anise, sugar and extract from flowers or elderberry berries. Secret is a set of aromatic herbs, the exact composition in the anise liquor of the sambuca is kept in the strictest secret.

Anise liqueur is usually consumed in its pure form very much cooled as a digestif. In addition, this drink can be set on fire in a glass, let it burn, and then, having extinguished the fire, drink while it is warm. Also, anise liquor can be consumed as part of cocktails. For example, the Fiery cocktail is popular - several layers of alcohol are poured into an even high glass in order to increase the strength, in particular light liquor, champagne, anise liquor, vodka and absinthe. The cocktail is set on fire and drunk through a tube.

In addition, anise liquor can be drunk by adding ice water to it - it turns out a refreshing drink with an anise flavor. Do not be afraid that when diluted, the liquid turns cloudy - this is due to the fact that the solubility of essential oils, which are present in large quantities in anise liquor, deteriorates. There is even such a concept as the effect of anise liquor - clouding all alcoholic clear drinks that contain anise, with strong cooling or dilution with water. Moreover, the cloudier the liquid is obtained at the same alcohol content and temperature, the higher the concentration of anise in it.

Anise liqueur can also be used in cooking. This drink, rich in its taste and aroma, is often added when preparing a variety of meals. However, as a rule, anise liquor is used in confectionery, where a small amount of this strong and fragrant drink is introduced into the dough or certain types of cream.

anise liquor 240 kCal

Energy value of anise liquor (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 40g (~ 160kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 0% | 67%