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Alcoholic drinks

When it comes to calories in our diet, we often forget to take into account the amount of calories in alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can be a significant source of extra calories, and drinking it can affect our overall fitness and health.

On this page, you will find information about the calories in a variety of alcoholic beverages, including beer, wine, spirits, and cocktails. You will learn how much of them can lead to additional calories that affect your diet.

Our goal is not to deny the pleasure of alcohol, but to help you understand its impact on your nutrition and overall health. We will also provide moderate drinking tips to keep your diet balanced and not disrupt your diet.

Hello, informed choice of alcoholic drinks and take care of your diet. Here you will find useful information about the calories in alcohol and how it affects you so you can make more informed choices and enjoy life in moderation. Don't forget that moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle and your health should always come first.