Burgundian grape snails

4 of the day 1 hour 20 min
To begin with, rinse the snails a couple of times under running water. Place in a plastic container with small air holes. Sprinkle flour on the animals and leave for a day, after which we repeat the water procedures and sprinkling flour again. All this is necessary in order to clean the intestines of snails before cooking. On the third day, rinse again, but without the subsequent addition of flour. On the fourth day, we wash the snails and throw them into boiling water for 5 minutes. Then we drain the water, cool the snails and use tweezers to pull the meat out of the shells. We boil empty sinks for 15-20 minutes with added soda, then dry in the oven at 100-120 degrees (it is necessary that the sinks are completely dry). We separate the fillet from the intestines, cutting off the dark twisted part with a sharp knife. We send snail fillet into a saucepan, pour wine. Add water so that the liquid completely covers the fillet. We also add roughly chopped onions and carrots, peppers and salt. Cook for 60 minutes, then drain the water. To prepare snail oil, using a blender, grind onions, garlic, parsley. Add salt, pepper and softened butter, mix all the components again with a blender. We take out dry shells, put part of the snail oil into them, then the cooled fillet and close the shell with snail oil again. We bring the shells filled in this way to readiness in the microwave for 3 minutes or in the oven (10 minutes). Put them in such a way that the "necks" of the shells look up to avoid spilling aromatic oil, which should be bitten with the fillet. It's delicious, healthy and not mundane! Eat on health!
Grape snails - 1.7 kg, White wine - 200 ml, Onions - 200 gr, Carrots - 100 gr, Salt - 1 tea liter, Pepper peas - 10 pcs., Wheat flour - 4 tbsp., Baking soda - 1 tbsp, Salt - 1 tsp, Butter - 400 gr, Onions - 50 gr, Parsley - 50 gr, Garlic - 40 gr, Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoons