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Georgian kale phali

Georgian kale phali... 12 servings
1 hour

Boil cabbage well in salted water. Squeeze, chop finely with a knife. Nuts, garlic, cilantro scroll twice through a meat grinder. Combine cabbage and scrolled nuts, add vinegar, hot pepper, suneli hops, if salt is needed. Mix everything well until smooth. Put on a diner's plate with a slide (as serving pilaf is laid out in restaurants) top with pomegranate grains, cilantro leaves and walnut halves.

White cabbage - 1 kg, Walnuts - 250 grams, Garlic - 4 teeth, White wine vinegar - to taste, Khmeli-suneli - 1 table, Cilantro greens - 1 pug., Table salt - to taste, Hot ground pepper - to taste, Pomegranate - 0.3 pcs.