Cold smoking chicken in the smokehouse at home
24 servings6 days
Chicken - 6 kg, Water - 2.2 l, Salt - 300 g, Sugar - 2 tbsp, Pepper - 1 tea liter, Allspice - 1 tea liter, Bay leaf - 5 pcs., Garlic - 1 tooth.

Chickens for this recipe are taken at home - they have less chemistry (kind of) and they taste better. Pluck, scorch, wash.

Divide the chickens in two along the ridge, put on the board and under the board and beat back. You will get flat half-bags, convenient for smoking.

For the marinade, put salt and sugar in a large saucepan.

Add water and place on heat. Let it boil.

Prepare the spices, let the marinade cool.

Add the spices to the marinade.

Put the chicken skin down in the marinade. Place the bends on top and the entire structure in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Rinse the pickled chicken.

If the chicken is brackish, soak it in cold water for an hour.

Tie the light carcasses and hang to dry - for about a day at 20 degrees.

Here they are after drying.

Place the suspended chicken in a closed container (box, old refrigerator, barrel, who is there for what garazd). Prepare chips and smoke generator.

Fill the smoke generator with chips, set fire, tilt the smoke generator towards the box. Turn on the compressor first at strong power, and then reduce to a minimum, gradually increasing the speed. Smoke for about 8 hours. Read the smoke generator instructions carefully.

Let the finished smoked half-ears lie in the refrigerator day or two.