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Doctor's home sausage

Doctor's home sausage... 20 servings
2 hours

1. We pass the meat through a meat grinder - each in a separate container. You need to grind it finely - choose a nozzle with 3mm holes.

2. Now we add half of the ice water, salt, to the beef. Beat it with a blender until smooth.

3. Add minced pork, remaining water, as well as sugar and spices to the meat mass. Beat again until homogeneous, pausing every half minute.

4. We fill the shell with prepared minced meat (take a natural or polyamide shell) using a special nozzle on the meat grinder. Stuff not too tight. We tie the ends.

5. Put the bars of the future sausage in warm water (40 degrees Celsius) for 15 minutes.

6. When time has passed, we put the sausage to cook at 80 degrees for 40 minutes. Homemade doctoral sausage is ready - it remains only to cool it. Enjoy your meal!

Beef - 0.5 kg, Pork - 2.7 kg, Water - 300 ml, Salt - 65 g, Sugar - 10 g, Nutmeg - 2 g, Allspice - 6 g