How to make a balyk from a silver carp at home? Prepare the products. To prepare balyk, it is better to use large carcasses of silver carp, which have more pulp, and the bones are large and easily removed. My fish was not large, but even from this it turned out to be quite worthy balyk.
Gut the fish carcass, peel, rinse. Cut off the head, tail, fins. Cut the carcass into two parts, remove the ridge.
Pour salt, sugar into the bowl, add the bay leaf (broken into small pieces), peppercorns, allspice, coriander, if desired, you can use any more spices. To make the flavor of spices better open up, coriander grains and peppercorns can be suppressed with a knife. Stir the spices.
Silver carp has a bright specific smell of fish, so the seasoning is needed not only to make the snack fragrant, but also to drown out this smell a little. Grate pieces of fish from all sides with cooked spices.
Put the fish in a bowl with the spice residue. You need to make sure that all the flesh of the fish is covered with salt. For salting fish, plastic, glass or enameled deep dishes can be used. If the full length pieces do not fit, they can be cut into a few more pieces.
Put a bend on top of the fish. It could be a plate to put a jar of water on. Put a bowl of fish in the fridge for 5 days. After the specified time, the salt will dissolve, forming a marinade, which the fish will absorb into itself. Rinse the fish with clean cold water, fill it in a bowl with boiled cold water and leave for 5 hours in a cool place.
Then drain the water, hang the pieces of fish on a wire or other device above the sink so that all the liquid from them glasses. After that, transfer the silver carp to a cool place for drying for a couple of days. In autumn, in spring, balyk is good to dry on the balcony or loggia. The air temperature should not be high, and the room should be ventilated. The fish should not be dried for longer, the balyk should remain soft and juicy.
The snack is ready. Serve balyk to the table. Enjoy your meal!
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