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Salted cask tomatoes

Salted cask tomatoes... 30 servings
21 days

Tomatoes - 6 kg, Cherry leaves - 10 pcs., Currant leaves - 10 pcs., Horseradish - 6 pcs., Raspberry - 10 pcs., Dill - to taste, Grape leaves - 9 pcs., Garlic - to taste, Water - 5 l, Salt - 10 tbsp.
First of all, collect tomatoes, choose fruits abou... First of all, collect tomatoes, choose fruits about the same size, without flaws in the skin. Collect aromatic leaves of currants, raspberries, horseradish, cherries and young sprigs with leaves of grapes, also prepare umbrellas or branches of dill.
Pour cold water over the tomatoes. ... Pour cold water over the tomatoes.
Wash the tomatoes and all the spicy sheets thoroug... Wash the tomatoes and all the spicy sheets thoroughly.
Peel and rinse the garlic under running water. Cut... Peel and rinse the garlic under running water. Cut large denticles in half or into 4 parts.
Lay part of the leaves of horseradish, raspberries... Lay part of the leaves of horseradish, raspberries, cherries, currants, dill and branches of grapes on the bottom of the oak barrel. Also send a few lobes of garlic.
Then lay the tomatoes up in an even layer in the p... Then lay the tomatoes up in an even layer in the places where the stalks grew.
Next, lay out another part of the sheets, stalks, ... Next, lay out another part of the sheets, stalks, garlic and repeat the layer with tomatoes.
And so on until the oak barrel is filled. ... And so on until the oak barrel is filled.
Make spicy leaves of plants and garlic with the la... Make spicy leaves of plants and garlic with the last layer.
Dilute the brine. The classic option is 2 tablespo... Dilute the brine. The classic option is 2 tablespoons table salt per litre of water (you can adjust the amount of salt a little to your liking). Use regular drinking water. If you drink tap water, take it. The ten-liter barrel took me about 5 liters of water and 10 tablespoons of salt. Pour the pickle over the tomato with the spicy leaves to the top.
Install the yoke on top. ... Install the yoke on top.
Send a barrel of pickles into the cold for at leas... Send a barrel of pickles into the cold for at least 3 weeks. I install a stone on top of a wooden yoke, previously washed with baking soda and wrapped in film. I have a barrel in a large refrigerator.
Tomatoes are ready, you can serve at the table. ... Tomatoes are ready, you can serve at the table.
The more pickles stand in the barrel, the richer a... The more pickles stand in the barrel, the richer and tastier they will become.