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Walnut tincture on vodka

Walnut tincture on vodka... 4 servings
30 days 10 minutes

Young walnuts need to be finely chopped (you can rub on a coarse grater), you can even leave the internal partitions - they also give their taste, and insist on them our vodka for about a month so that the nuts give all their aroma. And before direct consumption, mix with a tablespoon of honey - it somewhat softens the taste of the tincture. . It turns out very pleasant, homemade vodka. And food can be served to it absolutely anything - from herring to a variety of vegetable and meat salads. And enjoy a nice conversation under a nice walnut tincture!

Walnuts - 400 gr, Honey - 1 table, Vodka - 0.5 l