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Pickled hot pepper for winter
4 servings
45 min
45 min
Hot green pepper - 300 g, Water - 1 pack., Sugar - 1 tbsp, Salt - 0.5 tsp, Table vinegar - 1 tbsp, Horseradish - 2 g, Bay leaf - 1 pc., Allspice - 1 pc., Pepper peas - 3 pcs., Cloves - 1 pc., Garlic - 2 teeth, Currant leaves - 1 pc., Cherry leaves - 3 pc.
Put the capsules of pepper into sterile jars, alternating them with herbs and spices. Fill the contents of the cans with boiling water, but it is better to pour boiling water in small portions, for example, with a spoon, so that the cans do not burst. Cover the cans with lids and leave for 5 minutes.
Pour boiling marinade pepper in jars to the shoulders of cans. Leave again for 5 minutes under the lid and drain into a saucepan. Turn on the fire, bring the marinade to a boil, pour vinegar, mix. We turn off the fire. Pour marinade pepper in jars. We roll the cans with lids and remove them under a warm blanket until they cool completely at room temperature.