Apple coconut cake
20 servings1 hour
Eggs - 7 pcs., Wheat flour - 350 g, Sugar - 500 g, Butter - 250 g, Coconut chips - 100 g, Cocoa powder - 2 tea liters, Baking powder - 2 tea liters, Apples - 500 g, Starch - 1 table, Milk chocolate - 200 g, Cream - 100 ml

We take such products. Apples, flour, butter, coconut, sugar, eggs.

Let's divide the eggs into yolks and squirrels. We need proteins: 2 pieces and 5 pieces separately.

We put soft butter, 1 cup of sugar in a cup, and all the yolks. We beat it all well.

Then add flour and baking powder. Mix.

Beat to the peaks of 2 squirrels.

We will intervene these proteins in the dough.

Let's split the dough in half. And in one part we add cocoa.

Beat 5 proteins from 250 grams of sugar to peaks. We mix starch and coconut chips.

We clean the apples and grate three. Slightly squeeze from the juice.

We take the form, cover it with paper. I have 32 by 20 cm. We lay out dark dough. Smear it neatly.

We put coconut on top

Then the apples.

We close everything with a light dough. Spoon it over the entire surface and gently smear it with a spatula. If the nerve is not scary, it will level out when baking. Put in the preheated oven to 175 grams for 45 minutes.

We get it ready, let it cool. And we pour glaze. To do this, mix hot cream with chocolate.

The watered pie should stand until it cools. Then cut into cakes. Enjoy your meal.