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Cheesecakes - open sweet round bakery products with filler.They say that the word this came from the main filling - cottage cheese. At first there was a cottage cheese, then a crop.They are being prepared in Russia and Ukraine.
There are similar products in Siberia - shanezhki, and in Finland - Karelian galeta, which is prepared with rice on rye flour. Dough for these favorite sweets from childhood is taken mainly yeast, but there are also options with fresh, with puff and other species. Sourdough flavors are very tasty. Filling is primarily cottage cheese. It is rubbed into cream, supplemented with raw egg (or yolk), sour cream, sugar, raisins, vanilla. . . in addition, there are with povidl, fruits and berries and mashed potatoes (like shangs). Secret preparations of delicious cheesecakes at home. Take the freshest foods and flour with a high content of gluten. Curd - better dry. If you have wet, squeeze. Cook with love and good mood. To fit more filler - juicy push in the center of the bottom of the glass. And the edges will be more beautiful. Pies with the name "royal cheesecake" are popular. The butter-flour mass is poured onto the bottom of the baking tin, curd-egg is poured out from above and sprinkled with crumbs again (from above it turns out something like a streusel, and inside it is tender and juicy).