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Cottage cheese and cheese cheese ∞ homemade delicious recipes

The perfect cheesecake curd is a delicate curd filling inside, wrapped in a crisp crust. At the same time, the task is how to make the mass of cottage cheese not too watery, not very dry, not acidic, so as not to spread out in the pan, and not overcompress.
Different recipes for cottage cheese cheese differ in the presence of ingredients and their quantity. Any additive affects the consistency of the curd dough and the final result.
1) Sugar creates excess syrup, so use it to a minimum. The rest of the spices - vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa, lemon juice - to taste

2) Manka, corn starch, rice flour, finely ground oats are suitable as a thickener - they will perfectly "grab" the mass at small doses.

3) Eggs are also an extra liquid, the correct proportion is 1-2 pieces per kilo of dough.

4) Soda melts, it is better to add it only when baking in the oven. Like baking powder. These properties of products must be taken into account in order to create an optimal recipe for delicious cheesecakes. Sweet tooth to note: under one name of this dish, two different desserts are prepared: the usual breakfast tortillas and a festive cake of baked cottage cheese with candied fruit. It is not difficult to distinguish: speaking of food in the plural, we mean fritters. And if the number is single, we are talking about sweet casserole.