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Fish in puff pastry
4 servings
2 hours 40 min
2 hours 40 min
Puff dough - 500 g, Red fish - 300 g, Zucini - 60 g, Onions - 30 g, Ground black pepper - to taste, Salt - to taste
Wash the onions and zucchini, dry and cut into thin slices. Instead of zucchini, you can take zucchini. Which squash will work best? Choose young fruits with a delicate skin. It is not necessary to cut a very thin skin. If using more mature courgettes, cut off the coarse skin and cut out the seed middle.
Roll the dough on a table sprayed with flour to a thickness of about 5mm, then cut it into rectangles. Lay the filling on one half of the rectangle: a layer of onions, a couple of wedges of zucchini and a piece of fish. Cut the other half of the dough with a knife as in the photo and cover the filling. Pinch the edges and seal them with a fork.