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Simple cupcake on kefir in the oven

Simple cupcake on kefir in the oven... 6 servings
1 hour

Kefir - 250 ml, Chicken eggs - 2 pcs., Wheat flour - 430 g, Vegetable oil - 100 ml, Sugar - 170 g, Vanillin - 1 g, Baking powder - 7 g, Salt - 1 g, Dried fruit mixture - 70 g
We will prepare the ingredients according to the l... We will prepare the ingredients according to the list. All products stored in the refrigerator must be at room temperature. Drive chicken eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar, pour kefir, a pinch of salt to balance the taste, vanillin.
Beat the ingredients with a mixer or whisk until a... Beat the ingredients with a mixer or whisk until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
We pour vegetable oil into the mixture, mix again,... We pour vegetable oil into the mixture, mix again, all bulk must be completely dissolved.
Sifted wheat flour combined with baking powder is ... Sifted wheat flour combined with baking powder is poured into a bowl of liquid. We add flour in small batches, each time mixing the dough with a spoon so that the flour does not gather in lumps. Flour must be sifted to remove foreign objects that may be in the store product, as well as to saturate the flour with oxygen and make the product from it lush and airy.
The dough should turn out in consistency as thick ... The dough should turn out in consistency as thick sour cream, but fluid. Flour may need a little more or less, unlike the amount indicated in the composition, because the density and quality of flour from different manufacturers are different. You need to focus on the consistency of the dough.
You can proceed to baking cupcake. Or first add an... You can proceed to baking cupcake. Or first add any additives to the dough, for example, crushed chocolate, chopped nuts, candied fruits. I added a handful of dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins. Dry fruits are preliminarily washed, soaked in hot water, dried and rolled in flour, only then added to the dough.
Pour the dough into a pastry pan laid with parchme... Pour the dough into a pastry pan laid with parchment and greased with vegetable oil. We send to the oven, warmed to 180 degrees, for 40 minutes. We check the readiness of the cupcake with a wooden skewer, at the exit it should be dry.
Take the cupcake out of the tin, let it cool, spri... Take the cupcake out of the tin, let it cool, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve with tea, coffee or milk. Such a cupcake can be poured with sugar glaze or melted chocolate, decorated with fresh berries. From such a dough, you can bake not only large muffins, but also portion muffins in silicone molds. Enjoy your meal!