Custard profiteroles
14 servings3 hours
Wheat flour - 150 gr, Milk - 125 ml, Water - 125 ml, Butter - 100 gr, Eggs - 4 pcs., Sugar - 1 tbl, Salt - 1 gr, Milk - 500 gr, Sugar - 150 gr, Butter - 100 gr, Wheat flour - 40 gr, Eggs - 2 pcs., Vanilla sugar - 1 tbl.

How to make custard profiteroles? First, make the dough. For cooked dough products, it is advisable to use strong flour with a protein content of 12-13 g. Products from such flour will better hold the form. But if you have regular flour with 10. 3g protein, you can use it too.

In a saucepan, combine water, milk and butter. Put on a small heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil.

When steam starts to rise from the milk, pour salt, sugar and mix until the crystals melt.

As soon as the mixture begins to boil, remove the sauté pan from the heat, pour in the sifted flour and stir quickly with a spatula. The dough should be collected in a lump and easily lag behind the walls of the saute pan. Cool the dough slightly.

Add the eggs one at a time, stirring the dough in a blender or mixer at medium speed.

A viscous, slightly fluid, homogeneous mass should be obtained.

Transfer the dough to a pastry bag with the "closed star" attachment.

Settle on a baking sheet lined with parchment, small sprockets at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. Bake the profiteroles in the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 10 minutes and another 20-25 minutes at 180 ° C. Determine the exact baking time by your oven. Do not open the oven during baking, otherwise the products will fall.

Cool the finished profiteroles in a turned off oven with a slightly ajar door.

While the profiteroles cool, make the cream. Butter should be room temperature, so take it out of the fridge beforehand.

In a bowl, combine a glass of milk, eggs and flour and mix thoroughly.

Boil the remaining milk separately with the sugar and vanilla sugar.

In a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour hot milk into the egg-milk mixture. If you pour milk quickly, then the eggs will curl and flakes will appear on the surface.

Pour all the mixture back into the saute pan and place on a small heat. Cook the cream, stirring constantly, 10-15 minutes until thickened. The cream should be thick enough: the whisk trail should not tighten quickly.

Cover the finished cream with a film "in contact" and cool to room temperature.

Add the soft butter to the cooled custard and whisk with a mixer until smooth.

IMPORTANT: The temperature of the custard should be either the same as the oil or even lower. Warm cream will melt the oil and the cream will liquefy greatly.

Fill the cooled profiteroles with custard with a culinary bag with a sharp small nozzle. It is better to hold profiterols for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator before serving. Enjoy your meal!