Prezel - delicious pastries with poppy, cinnamon and dried fruits

1 hour 30 min
Egg with a pinch of salt and 200gr of sugar must be well beaten. Add 0. 5 liters of warm milk and mix well, add vegetable oil and melted butter, mix again. Add flour and yeast, vanillin sugar and gradually knead until soft dough is obtained. Yeast dough for buns should be suitable two to three times in a warm place. 1 cup with a slide of dried apples, rinse well. Pour clean apples with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, drain the water (it can be used as compote). Grind the swollen apples in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add jam, strawberry will work best. It is necessary to add until a homogeneous sweet mass is obtained - the apple filling with jam is ready! How the dough fit, cut into two parts, and put one part in the form of a small sausage and cut off glomeruli with a size slightly larger than a chicken egg, then roll out this glomerulus with a size in the middle saucer. The basis for the prezel is ready for us! A bun with apple filling and jam. Put the filling in the middle of each base, make two parallel slots on both sides of the filling, stretch the edges of the base through these slots (the process is clearly visible in the video). Let the buns come up 8-10 pass, then grease with a beaten egg and send to the preheated oven 180 degrees, bake for about 25 - 30 minutes until ruddy. Poppy, cinnamon and sugar bun. Lubricate all the bases with vegetable oil (melted melted butter) and sprinkle with sugar (about 1 teaspoon per 1 base), sprinkle with poppy or cinnamon to taste after sugar. Take the bottom of the base and fold it into an "accordion, " then wrap it in a circle and clip the ends of the circle (the process is clearly visible in the video). Let the yeast dough rolls come up 8-10 pass, then grease with a beaten egg and send to the preheated oven 180 degrees, bake for about 25 - 30 minutes until ruddy. Prezels are ready! A pleasant appetite
Eggs - 1 pc., Sugar - 200 gr, Milk - 500 ml, Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp., Butter - 2 tbsp., Vanillin - to taste, Dry yeast - 10 gr., Food poppy - 50 gr., Cinnamon - 20 gr., Dried fruits - 150 gr., Jam - 200 gr., Wheat flour - 1000 gr.